Yes! You make a difference.
What is public policy advocacy?
Public policy is, broadly speaking, the laws and regulations created by the government in response to a particular issue or problem. Public policy advocacy is the work of raising awareness, organizing and working to influence how the government and its representatives approach and solve a problem or issue.
Why does the ELCA care about advocacy?
As members of the ELCA, we believe God is calling us into the world to serve together. Through our direct service, we aid immediate needs before us. Through our advocacy work, we impact systemic, long-lasting change.
The public policies our officials write, amend and ultimately adopt can have ongoing effects on our neighbors who are struggling with hunger and living with poverty, as well as God’s creation. By urging our lawmakers to advance legislation that reflects our commitment to justice, we are helping create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and defend God’s creation.
What are the ways we do advocacy?
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona works with ELCA congregations and supporters in the Grand Canyon Synod to educate and mobilize people of faith to make their voices heard with lawmakers on issues that matter. There are many ways to “do” advocacy, which makes it very easy to get involved!
Write a letter to your lawmaker
Call your lawmaker
Meet with your lawmaker
Write a letter to the editor
Use social media
Find Arizona Legislative Roster and Leaders
Tips for engagement.
Through baptism, we are called to serve our neighbors and steward God’s good creation. As Lutherans, our attention turns to the policies that make a broader difference in our lives and the lives of our vulnerable neighbors. It is important that we add our voice into the process. Learn about six tips to engage your elected officials through the ministry of advocacy. elca.org/advocacy