Food Insecurity affects nearly 1 in 6 Arizonans.
Hunger and Poverty
The face of hunger has changed dramatically! Food Insecurity* now affects almost one in six Arizonans. The working poor live from paycheck to paycheck without savings. And 2.6 million Arizonans live below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. When faced with a car repair, an increase in rent, or a medical emergency, these individuals and families fall behind in payments and cannot free themselves from crushing debt. As the cost of living rises, hunger affects seniors on fixed incomes, adults working at two or more jobs, and children who worry about empty refrigerators instead of math homework.
Since the Great Recession of 2008, the lines at food banks have continued to grow longer, including persons who formerly donated to those food banks. Emergency food providers are stretching to a breaking point. And low-income persons living in “food deserts” lack access to nutritious foods. These are just some of the needs that we can address together.
We are freed in Christ to serve, love and care for our neighbor, and in this work we strive to ensure that all people have a livelihood that is sufficient to meet their basic needs and is sustainable in creation. The issues associated with economic life and economic justice include poverty versus wealth, corporate social responsibility, hunger, consumerism, international debt relief, gambling, racism, sexism, community development and worker exploitation. Grounded in God’s love and forgiveness, we are equipped to live and serve here and now, in the world, with all its complexities, tensions and ambiguities.
“God’s Good Creation,” ELCA World Hunger’s vacation Bible school
Helping children learn about hunger, hope and the work to which God calls us in the world is key to ending hunger for good. This program celebrates the gifts that God has created – gifts that can help build a world where all are fed. Working together with all of creation, we can look forward to the future God has promised.
Day 1 Theme: God created the world, and it is good.
Day 2 Theme: God can use you whatever size you are.
Day 3 Theme: God made everyone different and important.
Day 4 Theme: Jesus uses us to bring miracles to life.
Day 5 Theme: Working together we can change the world.
God’s Good Creation VBS information PDF
ELCA Hunger Catechisms
ELCA World Hunger has prepared a series of confirmation lessons called “Hunger Catechisms.” The Hunger Catechisms are intended to encourage understanding of the Small and Large Catechisms as they relate to our faith, our personal life and our public life. Each lesson begins with Martin Luther’s interpretations in both the Small and Large Catechisms and discusses their spiritual implications and social applications. At the end of each lesson is an example of how the ELCA is working alongside neighbors within the U.S. and around the world through the ministry of ELCA World Hunger. Lesson topics include economic justice, food insecurity, immigration rights, environmental justice, and more.
Hunger and Hope
In his new hour-long special, Rick Steves travels through Ethiopia and Guatemala to learn about extreme poverty — the more than 700 million people who struggle to live on less than $2 a day. Ending hunger is possible. And, with travel as our classroom, we'll learn about innovative solutions, including the importance of water access, education, empowering women, and smart development aid.
Now streaming at
2021 Anti-Hunger Playbook from Arizona Food Bank Network
The 2021 Anti-Hunger Playbook is compiled by The Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to achieving a hunger-free Arizona. This year's playbook aims to help you understand and address hunger through data, stories, key points from the pandemic response, and AzFBN’s policy priorities for 2021. This playbook is a resource for legislators who make important policy decisions to reduce hunger and poverty statewide, and for those who care about feeding the hungry.