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Hunger Solveig Muus Hunger Solveig Muus

ELCA World Hunger’s latest VBS Curriculum: God’s New Creation

ELCA World Hunger's VBS for 2023 gives groups the chance to learn about animals. By helping farmers access animals and learn new ways to care for them, we can take an effective, sustainable step toward ending hunger. Each day of “God’s New Creation” offers large- and small-group activities, crafts, games, snacks and more.

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Social Justice Solveig Muus Social Justice Solveig Muus

Talking Together as Christians Cross-Culturally: A Field Guide, Revised ed.

The purpose of this field guide is to invite and equip synods and congregations to have fruitful public conversation across the frontiers of culture about the full range of ministry matters. It also invites ministries to go beyond conversation, whenever appropriate, to deciding and acting together with those of different cultural backgrounds.

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