You make all the difference.

Thank you for your gifts to LAMA.

There are multiple ways you can share financial gifts with Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA).

  • Mail a check payable to Grand Canyon Synod to our office: 1819 East Morten Avenue, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ 85020, earmarked for LAMA.

  • Give through your congregation. Make checks payable to your congregation with ‘Grand Canyon Synod/LAMA” in the memo line, and place your gift in the offering plate.

  • Online giving. We accept financial gifts through Vanco and

    • Vanco giving seems to work best for congregational mission support, and is simpler and better for individuals. Both will work for congregational and individual giving.

  • Credit card or PayPal are also available as options for your convenience.

Donate Using PayPal or Credit Card