(L-R) Pr. Robert Jones, Santa Cruz, Tucson; Wendi Van Beer, Lutheran Campus Ministry/Our Saviour’s, Tucson; Solveig Muus, director, Grace, Phoenix; Connie Phillips, LSS-SW; Pr. Alan Field, LSS-SW; Bishop Deborah Hutterer; Mark Engel, Holy Trinity, Chandler; Molly Watson, Our Saviour’s, Phoenix; Pr. Brian Weinberger, chair, Bethlehem, Mesa. Not pictured: Melanie Hobden, Desert Cross, Tempe; Autumn Byars, University, Tempe.
The LAMA Policy Committee
Role: The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona Policy Committee develops LAMA’s policy decisions, including the annual Advocacy Agenda, and works with the Director to establish priority issues, goals, and objectives. The Policy Committee provides oversight of program development and budget and provides support, advice and counsel to the Director.
Responsibilities: Policy Committee members are expected to attend Policy Committee meetings; read materials in preparation for meetings; keep up to date on issues and concerns of the office; and help with the promotion of the LAMA Advocacy Agenda and activities;
Membership: The Policy Committee shall consist of not less than seven (7) nor more than twelve (12) members. All members shall be members of ELCA congregations in Arizona. Consideration is given to representation from the geographical areas in Arizona, as well as a balance of male and female, clergy and lay, and people of language, color, and varying economic status.
Term of Office: All Policy Committee members shall serve a regular term of three years until the appointment of their successors at the spring meeting of Policy Committee. There shall be a maximum of six consecutive years of service. Terms of office shall be staggered. When first constituted, the members of the Policy Committee shall determine which members initially serve for a term of one, two, or three years, such that as nearly as possible, one-third of the membership is appointed each year.
If you are interested in service on the Policy Committee, please contact us.