This is a special meeting of the monthly ‘Justice at Faith’ social justice team at Faith Lutheran Church in Phoenix. There will be check-ins, guest speakers, discussion about advocacy steps and a question and answer period.
Guest speakers for this month’s meeting include:
Carolyn Isaacs, American Friends Service Committee and a leader in criminal justice reform will address new opportunities for activists
Charlotte Shurtz, Lutheran Social Services of the Soulthwest and a Community Engagement Specialist will address advocacy for immigration and refugee justice
Sandy Bahr, a leader of the Sierra Club, will address climate justice and advocacy opportunities in the new Arizona political landscape.
Below are Faith’s current dominant issues of concern:
Prisons and sentencing reform including death penalty, prison health care, mandatory sentencing, solitary confinement, privatization, rehabilitation and reentry, voting rights;
Sustainability and Climate Justice;
Democracy including election administration, voter registration, electoral corruption and campaign finance reform;
Ballot measures;
Hunger and Homelessness;
Immigration and Refugees.
Other issues of concern: Mental Health funding; Implementation of the Affordable Care Act; State budget priorities (including education funding, equitable taxation, the needs of the marginalized); Criminalization of Homelessness; Gun safety; GLBTQIA+ awareness and openness; uman Trafficking; Income Inequality}
If you want to see an established social justice team in action, this would be an interesting meeting to join.
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