Over the last year, Bread for the World has engaged hundreds of Bread members and partners across the country in listening sessions on the Farm Bill. Join hunger partners for Bread for the World’s 2023 Farm Bill campaign launch on Tuesday, December 6th!
This is the long-awaited rollout of Bread’s Farm Bill policy platform. They want to work with you to achieve a Farm Bill that prioritizes nutrition, equity and sustainability, including through the Offering of Letters in your church, small group or campus.
Please register today, and invite a friend!
During the campaign launch, participants will spend some time in a regional breakout where they will invite you to commit to holding an Offering of Letters between January and May 2023. Some of you already know you will hold an Offering of Letters. If that’s you, come prepared to share that with the group, and start thinking about other churches in your community that you can invite into the campaign.