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LAMA Liaison Roundtable

The LAMA Liaison Roundtable meets the Third Monday of the Month at 6:30p via Zoom.

These discussions offer an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics about congregational engagement in advocacy, and ask all the questions you can think of ~ participants will have input in planning and topics. Early suggested topics include:

  • Civic Engagement and Voting

  • Addressing congregational reticence about term "advocacy" (as well as acting to advocate)

  • How to introduce the congregation to advocacy in a non-threatening way and educate them to the importance of advocacy as part of our Lutheran heritage

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 9811 3829
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,87998113829# US (Houston)
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March 11

AFN Cherishing Creation Collaborative

March 20

March 2025 National Legislative Update