A resounding Yes! Hunger Resolution passes at Synod Assembly with flying colors
Grand Canyon Synod Resolution S23.01 titled Encouraging congregations to support local hunger ministries, increase awareness of hunger and poverty issues, and increase opportunities to financially support the work of ELCA World Hunger passed unanimously on Saturday, June 10 at the 2023 Synod Assembly in Oro Valley, Arizona.
Rev. Sarah Stadler
Rev. Tricia Lowe
This resolution was brought to Mary Beth Baron, chair of the Reference and Counsel Committee by the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network. Speaking in the Resolution’s favor from the floor were Rev. Sarah Stadler (Esperanza, Ahwatukee) and Rev. Tricia Lowe (Emmanuel, Prescott Valley).
The Resolution reads as follows:
Whereas the world produces enough food for all, but as many as 811 million people around the globe live in hunger and poverty;
Whereas ELCA World Hunger provides a comprehensive array of resources to educate, inspire, and tell the stories of this work we do together as church;
Whereas the 2023 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly invites us to Be Bold in Your Baptism as we find the beat for ministry and service in post-covid times and ELCA World Hunger is already doing this work and invites us to join in the efforts;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Grand Canyon Synod, meeting in assembly, challenges each of its congregations, in the next three years to take concrete steps to:
increase their support of local hunger ministries,
increase their awareness of hunger and poverty issues through educational resources developed by ELCA World Hunger, and
increase opportunities to financially support the work of ELCA World Hunger, and
collect and maintain data on existing hunger and feeding ministries to support this resolution.
Implications of Resolution (if adopted):
What is the financial impact of this resolution on the synod budget? If expenditures are required, what are the sources of income anticipated to accomplish the purpose of the resolution? No financial impact.
What are the personnel implications within our synod (or churchwide organization)? Who will be responsible for implementation of the resolution? No personnel implications. GCS Hunger Leaders Network will implement this resolution.
How does this resolution enhance and forward the mission of the church and our synod? This resolution flows directly from our Lutheran understanding of service to neighbor.
The Hunger Leaders Network
The Hunger Leaders Network held its first meeting in June 2021. Each meeting includes a short devotion, a profile of a local hunger ministry or organization, an update from a churchwide representative, upcoming events and available resources, and much more. Every meeting includes an opportunity for sharing and support for your congregation’s ministries. The Network meets virtually for an hour on the last Tuesday of the month.
The HLN Plan
The first step in the GCS HLN planned rollout of the Resolution is to compile a database of the hunger ministry details on every congregation in the Grand Canyon Synod, including the contact information of at least one hunger leader in each congregation. Pastors in every congregation are receiving an email the week of June 19 requesting this information. Please help us gather this information!
Fill out the HLN Survey using this link.
Click here to learn how the HLN will track the success of Hunger Resolution S23.01.