ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to support migration and refugee programs

Urge Congress to pass robust funding for migration and refugee programs

The annual federal appropriations process remains unfinished, with several crucial spending bills still pending, including those related to migration. Federal resources enable non-governmental organizations, including various Lutheran-affiliated organizations, as well as federal agencies, and state and local governments, to effectively support new arrivals, immigrants, and refugees. 

For Fiscal Year 2025, the migration related appropriations accounts include Homeland Security, Labor-Health-Human Services-and-Education (LHHS-ED), and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS). Ensuring that refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants have access to supportive services is essential for their successful integration and well-being. Several programs would help achieve greater efficiency in the immigration system, support immigrants and refugees, and address equity and fairness in immigration proceedings. 

Congress is currently negotiating a continuing resolution since the appropriations process is not finalized by October 1. Congress must pass a continuing resolution with an anomaly attaching additional emergency humanitarian funding while it works to prevent drastic reductions in funding for immigration programs in Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25).

Customize a message to your members of Congress, which currently contains some specific suggestions for meaningful actions, and urge them to pass robust funding for immigration and refugee accounts in FY25!


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