Funding Opportunity for Health Departments to Serve Immigrant COVID Needs

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The National Association for City and County Health Officials (NACCHO), with support from CDC and in partnership with the National Resource Center for Refugee, Immigrants and Migrants (NRC-RIM), has announced a funding opportunity for health departments to serve immigrant COVID needs.

This funding opportunity is for local health departments and CBOs to partner to rapidly scale up innovative COVID-19 education, testing, contact tracing, vaccination, and other prevention and mitigation strategies with refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) communities. With support from CDC, NACCHO will provide funding and technical assistance to LHDs and their RIM community partners to implement at least one primary prevention strategy (for up to $175,000) with the option of implementing a secondary primary or secondary prevention activity (for up to $250,000). Potential applicants are encouraged to reach out to RIM-serving organizations or leaders in their communities or the LHD in their jurisdiction to partner to submit an application. LHDs and CBOs/RIM communities applying for this funding opportunity do not need to have a history of partnership, but must demonstrate the intent to partner (i.e., through a Memorandum of Understanding or Letter of Support).

Applications are due June 11, 2021 at 11:59 PM PT. Access the Request for Applications here.

Additionally, a guiding principle of the work of the NRC-RIM is that solutions should be developed in genuine partnership with affected communities. We hope you will explore MakeSpace, where you can plan, create and validate your own customized vaccine campaign that resonates with your community and inspires them to take action. Send the team at NRC-RIM what you created at so they can share it with others.

They also have several ready-to-use campaigns that are free to use, customize and distribute:

The Get the Facts campaign is based on CDC guidance, offering facts about COVID-19 vaccines in a simple and memorable way that counters common misconceptions. More translations of these materials are being added every day, and will eventually include 38 languages.

The Get Vaccinated campaign is based on feedback that indicates people from many different backgrounds connect with the theme of protecting their communities. More translations of these materials are being added every day, and will eventually include 38 languages.

The Vaccination Is campaign was developed using the community-led process reflected in MakeSpace. Ready-to-use versions are available for download in support of Latino, Haitian, Iraqi, Afghani, Bhutanese and Congolese communities. Please reach out to if you would be interested in testing Makespace or would like additional support.


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