Survey: Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan

The City of Phoenix is requesting input on their draft Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan. This plan identifies priorities, immediate needs and sustainable solutions for those experiencing homelessness and the surrounding community impacted by this issue. The plan has been passed by City Council and they are now seeking feedback on the proposed strategies.

Process: At the direction of Mayor and Council, the City Manager’s office began convening a Homeless Strategies Workgroup to begin the formulation of a comprehensive homeless strategies plan. The team was comprised of 12 city departments, their directors, and numerous other staff. The team worked to develop an initial organizing structure to address the complex and far reaching problem that homelessness represents.

For phase 1 of the plan, members of the Homeless Strategies Workgroup began by first segmenting the challenges of homelessness into nine separate sections. These sections, worked to identify current strategies within their subject area, gaps associated with those strategies, and proposed long-term and short-term solutions to address those gaps. These subgroups met throughout the spring to develop individual strategy documents for addressing the wide variety of challenges of their specific areas.

The City of Phoenix needs your help! While a draft plan was approved, now is when the work begins. If you live and/or serve clients in Phoenix, please review the city’s comprehensive plan and complete the survey by August 28.  For more information or to access the plan in Spanish, visit the City of Phoenix website


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