Join the ‘Welcome with Dignity’ Campaign

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From Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) and Church World Service (CWS). You're invited to join dozens of organizations and advocates in a renewed commitment to build a reimagined asylum system in the U.S. as part of the new Welcome with Dignity Campaign. We invite you to take action with us to transform the way the United States receives and protects people forced to flee from their homes and seek safety. Now is the time for visionary action to restore and strengthen asylum protections and policies that welcome asylum seekers and unaccompanied children.

For more information about the campaign and for more resources, visit this toolkit and this web page.

Here are the top ways to take action:

  1. Contact Your Members of Congress: Click here to call or email your Members of Congress and urge them to hold the administration accountable to end Title 42 expulsions, restore asylum protections, and invest in the capacity to humanely welcome and process asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, and immigrants that lifts up their inherent dignity.

  2. Sign the #WelcomeWithDignity Pledge: Join the movement to reimagine the way our country and our communities treat people seeking safety. Organizations interested in endorsing the campaign can find more information and endorse here.

  3. Faith Leaders: Sign onto this important letter urging the Biden administration to end the inhumane Title 42 expulsion policy using this form by COB June 16.

  4. Amplify on Social Media: Click here for sample posts and graphics to share your message to #WelcomeWithDignity on social media, and urge your contacts to take action.

  5. Host a Vigil: Use this resource to plan a faith vigil around ending Title 42 expulsions and creating a humane asylum process.

What is the Title 42 Expulsion Policy?

The program allows the United States Border Patrol and U.S. Customs to prohibit the entry of persons who potentially pose a health risk, either by virtue of being subject to previously announced travel restrictions or because they unlawfully entered the country to bypass health screening measures. Read more.


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