Invite Us To Your Events!

Does your ministry have a service project or other event coming up? Let us know!

We want to highlight more stories from Lutherans around Arizona. Our blog and newsletter are such wonderful ways we get to connect and educate our community, and we want to use these tools to share the ways your ministries are helping each other and our neighbors.

How are you working to end hunger in your community? How are you encouraging civic engagement and voter participation in your congregation? How is your ministry promoting responsible water stewardship?

Right now is the perfect time to start collecting these stories, while we still have time left during Autumn’s Hunger Advocacy Fellowship. Invite her to come join your events, like food packs, clothing drives, garden harvests, or outreach days.

Email us at to invite us to an event!


Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Testifies Against HB2502


RTS For The Week of 3/19: Election Day Edition!