Registration opens for Domestic Hunger Grants

In 2022, 57 new Domestic Hunger Grants will join existing multi-year commitments for a total of 146 grants across 57 synods, representing over $1 million in investment in partner ministries. 

Twelve ministries have been awarded Big Dream grants, representing more than $1.4 million in investment from ELCA World Hunger. Responding to this moment of opportunity for significant and immediate action with our partners across the ELCA, these grants will support projects promoting access to affordable housing, racial equity, intersections of agriculture with faith, and more. Together, these “Big Dreams” will demonstrate the powerful collective possibilities for this church to impact domestic hunger and poverty. 

The full list of these awards is now public and available here. For a map and more information about Domestic Hunger Grants, see More details about the Big Dream Grant projects will be shared soon. 

Registration for ELCA World Hunger’s 2023 Domestic Hunger Grants opens on March 18!

Organizations applying for an ELCA Domestic Hunger Grant for the first time must register by creating an account in ELCA GrantMaker to access the application once the window opens on April 18, 2022. If your organization has already registered in ELCA GrantMaker, now would be a great time to log back in and confirm that your contact information is current.

ELCA World Hunger will host a Zoom webinar April 6 at 12 p.m. Central time to review granting priorities and cover the basics of applying. To join us for this virtual event, please register here for a Zoom link.

The webinar will be recorded and accessible via the Domestic Hunger Grant FAQ page.

Application Timeline

  • Registration open: March 18–May 6, 2022.
    NOTE: Applicants must be registered in ELCA GrantMaker to access the application. Allow up to three days for registration approval. If you have not registered by May 6, you will not be able to start a new application. If you have already registered in ELCA GrantMaker, you do not need to register again.

  • Application open: April 18–May 20, 2022.

  • Application review: June 2022–October 2022.

  • Awards recommendations shared with applicants and synods: November 2022.

  • Final awards approved and announced: February 2023.

Thank you for your creative, courageous work toward a just world where all are fed — neighbor to neighbor, community to community. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at


Domestic Hunger Grants awarded to two GCS ministries in 2022


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