Support Heat Relief Cooling Centers This Summer

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Summer 2020 marked the hottest summer on record for Arizona. Maricopa County experienced 53 days of temperatures above 110 degrees or higher and 145 days of 100 degrees or higher. The month of August 2020 marked the hottest month ever recorded in Maricopa County.

In response to rising temperatures and the needs of the most vulnerable in our community, Arizona Faith Network has launched an initiative to help establish cooling centers and hydration stations throughout the valley. In partnership with Arizona State University, Maricopa Association of Governments, the Salvation Army, and AFN’s faith-based organizations, AFN’s goal is to establish 10 new cooling centers throughout Maricopa County. These cooling centers will be strategically placed in areas with heat vulnerable residents as determined in partnership with Arizona State University and the Heat Relief Network.

AFN’s coalition is working hard to provide resources, volunteer, and administrative support to help communities become faith-based cooling center locations. This is an excellent way to serve your neighbors as temperatures rise throughout this summer.

  • To learn more about how to become a Cooling Center, join AFN at Lunch and Learn on Friday, April 30th at 12:00 p.m.

  • If you aren’t in a position to set up your own center, consider supporting faith-based organizations in Maricopa County like Grace Lutheran Church, First UCC, Justa Center and so many others (see list of providers here, map is live on May 1) with water and other needs.


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