Support SB1176 / HB2668 Arizona-Grown Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program Bill


From Pinnacle Prevention.

The Senate version of the Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program Bill (SB1176) is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, February 2, 2021!

Voice your support to help expand programs like Double Up Food Bucks Arizona by asking committee members to vote YES on SB1176.

Don't forget to "like" SB1176 and HB2668 on RTS

If you have an existing Request to Speak (RTS) account that has been activated, please log into the RTS system and give SB1176 and HB2668 a THUMBS UP!

Here's how:

  1. Sign into your RTS account at this link: - then click "Request to Speak." Navigate to the "New Request" tab on the left.

  2. Type SB1176 in the "search phrase" box, then hit search.

  3. The bill "nutrition assistance; benefit match; appropriation" should pop up below. Click the blue "add request" button.

  4. FINALLY, you'll be able to click the green thumbs up button to indicate you are "for" the bill, and select "no" if you do not wish to speak to the committee directly. Click submit and you're done!

Repeat the process for the House version of the bill by adding a new request and searching for HB2668.

Don't have an active RTS account? It's not too late to sign up!


Lutheran Office for World Community Policy Priorities


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