Support U.S. Citizenship Act 2021

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Invitation to Join an ELCA-LIRS Letter in support of the “US Citizenship Act of 2021”

Great news! Legislators in the House and Senate have introduced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 which aims to humanely transform the nation’s immigration system and provide protection and a roadmap to citizenship for undocumented people. The bill addresses the root causes of migration in Central America and prioritizes family reunification, among many other things. It is a promising first step to uphold the basic human rights of migrant children and their families and affirm the dignity of all.

Below please find a link to sign on to a letter drafted by the ELCA and LIRS which will be sent to Members of Congress. The letter expresses support for the bill and urges Congress to work collaboratively and advance a comprehensive legislative solution. All ELCA rostered faith leaders are invited to join the letter. Please take some time to sign on today and share with your fellow ELCA faith leaders.

To read the letter and add your name, please fill out this form here:

Deadline to sign was extended to Tuesday, March 2, COB.

Questions or comments can be directed to LIRS Refugee Advocacy Officer, Diana Guelespe and ELCA Program Director for Migration Policy, Giovana Oaxaca


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