Take Action on the Next Coronavirus Supplemental Bill

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Congress Debates Economic Priorities and Response

UPDATE: Now, as votes across our country are cast and the elections are nearly over, Congress returns to Washington to complete the urgent work that must be done to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Congress must respond to the continuing health and economic crisis in every community in our nation—particularly for vulnerable populations including healthcare and front-line workers, the unemployed and under-employed, businesses, indigenous, and black and brown communities. Our voices are needed now more than ever in urging Congress to complete the bi-partisan negotiations to address COVID-19 before the holidays and congressional adjournment.

What are the ways we do advocacy?

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona works with ELCA congregations and supporters throughout the Grand Canyon Synod to educate and mobilize people of faith to make their voices heard with lawmakers on issues that matter. There are many ways to “do” advocacy, which makes it very easy to get involved!

  • Write a letter to your lawmaker

  • Call your lawmaker

  • Meet with your lawmaker

  • Write a letter to the editor

  • Use social media

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COVID-19 Relief Expiring at the End of 2020


States plead for more federal help as virus outbreak worsens