Understanding Medicaid Cuts: A Lutheran Response

In current federal discussion are proposals which could reduce access to essential healthcare for millions of Americans. Including panelists from ELCA Advocacy and Lutheran Services in America and questions from participants, this recorded webinar explores implications for ourselves, our communities and our ministries – as well as ways to bring our faith-based perspectives into the process. Recorded March 6, 2025.

Please submit your questions or comments to: washingtonoffice@elca.org.

Here is a link to the recorded webinar as well as a few of the resources mentioned during the meeting/webinar:

This action alert comes from Lutheran Services in America

Urge Your Lawmakers to Protect Medicaid and Oppose Cuts and Caps

Based on recent statements and policy agendas from the Republican Majority leaders who now control both the House and the Senate with the start of the new Congress, it is clear that they are seeking deep cuts to Medicaid and other domestic programs.  Take action with us now to help prevent cuts and caps to Medicaid.  

 As health and human service providers, we know that existing challenges that already leave many people vulnerable—from affordable housing shortages to the high cost of everyday necessities—will only be exacerbated if Medicaid is cut.  Yet Senate leadership is moving forward with a plan to use deep cuts to Medicaid and other domestic programs to pay for making certain expiring estate tax and personal income tax cuts permanent.

 We are asking you to join us in urging your lawmakers to protect Medicaid and oppose any legislation that seeks to cap, cut, or block grant Medicaid.  We encourage you to personalize our message, including stories of how important Medicaid is to the work that you and your organization do, and to share this message with your colleagues and partners.


Take the SNAP Challenge: Raise Awareness of Hunger in Your Community


United Across Faiths: Lutheran, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Leaders Stand for Refugees