Will you help welcome Afghans?


From Interfaith Immigration Coalition.

From August 17 through September 1, approximately 48,000 Afghan evacuees arrived in the U.S. Tens of thousands more are expected to arrive in the coming weeks. Most of the Afghans arriving are entering with “humanitarian parole,” a temporary status that does not make them automatically eligible for refugee resettlement services.

Right now, we must urge Congress to ensure that Afghan evacuees receive resettlement and integration services and have the chance to apply for legal permanent residence—and to guarantee that our communities have the resources we need to provide these services.

As people called to care for the vulnerable, now is a critical time to advocate to ensure that our new Afghan neighbors can rebuild their lives in safety and peace.

Here are 4 ways you can take action today:

  1. Advocate: Call or email your Members of Congress and urge them to equip our communities with the resources we need to help Afghans integrate and thrive.

  2. Sign a Faith Letter to the Biden Administration: Urge the administration to set the FY 2022 Refugee Admissions Goal at 200,000 by signing this letter. Faith leaders and individual people of faith, sign here. Faith organizations, sign here.

  3. Donate or Volunteer: You can make a difference through giving financially or volunteering, for example, by sponsoring a family in your community.

  4. Amplify on Social Media: Spread the word on social media by sharing this sample post along with one of these graphics: Tens of thousands of Afghans will arrive in the U.S. in the coming weeks. Every single one of them deserves the chance to rebuild their lives in safety. As a person of faith, I call on Congress to act NOW to ensure our new neighbors receive the support they need! #AfghanEvac


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