Bread For The World: Renewed Call for Offerings of Letters

As we continue to advocate for a cohesive and compassionate Farm Bill, Bread for the World leaders from the Southwest region have renewed their calls for Offerings of Letters! So far, only 12 churches in our region have committed to writing letters.

While our regular readers will have already contacted members of congress about our Farm Bill priorities, Bread for the World makes it easy to mobilize the rest of your community. With their Offering of Letters Tool Kit, they break down the entire process into easy steps. The Tool Kit includes a sample letter, tips for effective writing, policy break down, fact sheets, bulletin inserts, prayer guides, and social media posts! Make sure to check out the “Coordination Resources.”

An Offering of Letters is a great way to gather a congregation together and introduce new advocates to the process. Bread for the World makes the process simple and advocating together is always less daunting than trying to figure it out alone. Bread’s policy breakdowns also ensure that everyone feels knowledgeable about these important bills. It can also be helpful and empowering for practiced advocates to have time set aside and resources at their disposal when contacting their lawmakers.

Even if you have already weighed in about the Farm Bill, or already hosted an Offering of Letters, we encourage you to consider hosting an Offering in the coming months! Bread for the World has updated their sample letter and policy stances to reflect current negotiations. The Farm Bill process is ongoing, and it is important that we maintain the importance of our priorities.


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