ELCA Advocacy: Farm Bill Update

On June 29, the ELCA Advocacy Team at the Washington D.C. office shared an update about the Farm Bill’s status:

Jun 29, 2024

For the last several months, ELCA congregational leaders and advocacy staff have been doing a series of farm bill meetings with policymakers in Congress. Nonetheless, the 2024 Farm Bill has hit a roadblock in the House of Representatives due in large part to the partisan debate around cuts to SNAP. It is possible that the legislation could move as early as November, after the election. The current more partisan Farm Bill in the House would rely heavily on Republican votes and would have extreme difficulty passing through the House Rules Committee – much less the floor of the House – due to a slim majority in the chamber. Democrats are unlikely to support the existing House bill due to severe cuts in SNAP funding, the repurposing of conservation funds from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and changes to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).

On the Senate side, Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) released a counterproposal to Chairwoman Stabenow’s (D-MI) own draft Farm Bill framework. The Senate Republican proposal includes similar House changes to SNAP, IRA funds, and CCC. With limited congressional calendar space between now and general elections in November, lawmakers in the Senate are working to negotiate a bipartisan Farm Bill with the hope of passing a bill on the floor after Election Day.

ELCA Witness in Society staff met with several dozen congressional offices over the month of June, alongside Lutheran advocates, service providers, and hunger ministry leaders living in key congressional districts. Highlighting the work of our core hunger ministries and the need to support core faith priorities, these meetings are set to continue through July as legislators prepare for a long August recess.

Because of the Senate counter proposal, as well as disagreements in the House, it is important that we continue to reach out to our lawmakers about the importance of protecting our priorities. To stay up-to-date on Farm Bill matters, visit ELCA Advocacy’s blog page on Farm Bill engagement.


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