Ballot Propositions Are Now Available!

All of the referrals, initiatives, and proposals which qualified for November’s ballot have now been certified and assigned proposition numbers!

This year, the legislature referred eleven different bills to the vote, including constitutional amendments and general measures. Three citizen initiatives gathered enough petition signatures to qualify for the ballot. Now, the legislative council has put together summaries of each proposition and these summaries and the bill texts have been made available to the public.

As the election draws closer, LAMA will be publishing plenty of information breaking down these propositions, as well as weighing in on the ones we find important. We’re even working on a voting guide specifically dedicated to these proposals! While we continue to work on those materials, we encourage you to explore the propositions for yourself.

Click the button below to find the bill texts and draft analyses for all 14 propositions!


2024 Primary Election Results


Introducing the LAMA Book Club