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Update on YIGBY bill, “Yes in God’s Back Yard”
Read the update on HB2191, the ‘Yes in God’s Back Yard’ (YIGBY) bill that LAMA and partners advocated for this session.
ELCA signs Ecumenical Declaration Defending Refuge. Now it’s your turn.
Church World Service — As a Covenant Member of CWS the ELCA was part of drafting and signing The Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Declaration: Defending Refuge. Read the final version of the Declaration and sign on.
Grand Canyon Synod pastor testifies at YIGBY House Appropriations hearing
The Rev. Christine Stoxen of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chandler, testified before the Arizona House Appropriations Committee on Monday, February 24, 2025 in support of HB2191, the “Yes In God’s Back Yard” (YIGBY) bill on behalf of LAMA and Valley Interfaith Project (VIP).
Environmental Day at the Capitol
Join advocates for the annual lobby day at the Arizona Capitol. Meet with your legislators, hear from great speakers, and connect with others who are doing advocacy work both inside and outside the Arizona Legislature. RSVP today!
Join Lutheran Lobby Day: Advocate for Justice in Nevada
The Grand Canyon Synod is all about advocacy in February! Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN) also holds a day of advocacy on Monday, February 10. Tell your friends in Nevada!
Spirited Book Club: Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies
Spirited Book Club takes up Marilyn McEntyre's Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, which exposes the commercial and political forces that affect public discourse in American culture and counters with twelve constructive 'strategies of stewardship'.
Will you be a district coordinator this year?
We need your help! Volunteer to be your district’s coordinator for Lutheran Day at the Legislature this year! Read what’s involved here.
Bishop Hutterer: A Message of Peace and Hope after the Election
As I reflect on the election results in our nation and in our swing-states synod, I recognize that emotions across our communities are varied and deeply felt. For some, there is joy and hope; for others, uncertainty and worry. In this moment, we turn our gaze once again toward Jesus, our unchanging source of comfort and strength in uncertain times.
Bishop Eaton: Woven Together - A Post-election Message
The day after the 2024 presidential election, whether individually people experience joy or grief, Bishop Eaton reflects on the many expressions of our church being woven together as strands of a large tapestry. 2:07, recorded November 6, 2024.
Bishop Eaton: Casting Ballots as People of Faith
During this election season and as we prepare to vote as part of our civic responsibility and commitment to the Gospel, Bishop Eaton reminds us, "We are not defined by our political affiliations but by our shared baptism and our commitment to the Gospel."
Reminder: Mail Your Ballot by October 29
Tuesday, October 29th is the last day to mail your ballot! Read on to find drop-off locations and polling places for the election ~ 14 days away!
Bishop Hutterer: Faithfully Engaged in the Election Process
As early voting begins in Arizona, and with early voting also beginning soon in Utah and Nevada, I want to reflect on the sacred responsibility we hold as citizens and people of faith. Our participation in the democratic process is not only a privilege but a duty—one that reflects our commitment to justice, peace, and the flourishing of all people.
Finish the ballot: How to decide which judges to vote for
Here's everything you need to know about judges in Arizona, including a 2024 judicial review. Know the facts, vote your values!
Bishop Eaton: Civic Engagement and Loving-Kindness
In anticipation of Election Day in the United States, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace across the globe." 3:20 mins.
Introducing LAMA’s 2024 Voter Guide
LAMA's 2024 Voter Guide briefly introduces the 13 statewide ballot measures that Arizona voters will consider this fall. Positions taken were based on LAMA's policy priorities and adopted by the LAMA Policy Committee on August 27, 2024.
Register to Vote!
Today is National Voter Registration Day. Celebrate the day by registering to vote! Already registered? Text 3 friends a reminder that registering to vote online takes just a few minutes. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
ELCAvotes: Voter guidelines for people facing homelessness
Here are some helpful tips for congregations interested in expanding the vote for people struggling with housing security in our communities.
Addressing Polarization and Building Cohesion in Your Community
Response to the cry to address polarization in our communities is being heard in many ELCA synods, congregations and ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices. Helpful resources and ideas for caring for one another and our communities as people of faith from the "Faith in Elections Playbook" on Interfaith America are reprinted in this post.