Feed Phoenix Initiative

The City of Phoenix is putting CARES Act dollars to work by bringing high-quality meals to vulnerable populations across the city. The city has contracted with Local First Arizona Foundation to recruit local restaurants, caterers, mobile markets, and farmers to help prepare these meals in order to sustain local jobs and supply chains, strengthen the local food economy, and most importantly, help keep all Phoenicians healthy during an ongoing economic and social crisis.

“We are proud to be partnering on such a thoughtful and innovative approach to feeding Phoenix families. This initiative will touch all layers of our local food system and make the greatest impact possible for small businesses across various industries. From local chefs featuring three locally-sourced fruits or vegetables in every meal to opting for sustainable to-go packaging for delivery, community-driven solutions to complex problems are how we build a stronger local food system,” said Local First Founder Kimber Lanning.

The request for proposals will be open for one week, opening July 10 and closing July 17 at 12:00 noon PST, for restaurants, farmers, caterers, mobile markets, and event venues that wish to participate in portions of the three-month program. Businesses can apply here.


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