Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions

Please contact Gov. Ducey and ask him, in the name of God's commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves, to:

  • Extend the moratorium on evictions due to COVID-19 beyond the current July 22 deadline;

  • Streamline and simplify the process for applying for COVID-19 rental relief;

  • Advocate for the increase of funds available for COVID-19 rental relief.

All people have a right to the most basic needs of human life: food, water, and shelter. It is within Gov. Ducey's power to ensure that the most economically vulnerable Arizonans do not end up as secondary victims to the COVID-19 pandemic due to eviction.

Additionally, please ask Governor Ducey to issue a stay-at home order for Arizona which now has the most COVID-19 infections per capita in the world. The ICUs are FULL. No more options remain to get you well if you become critically ill; some patients are being transferred out of state. 

The postponement of evictions order was necessary originally because the governor had taken extraordinary means to protect public health that would seriously impact Arizonans economically. That same extraordinary action is needed in this moment before a renewal of EO2020-14. We should not need orders from the government to take good care of ourselves and stay healthy. But the statistics have demonstrated the public’s unwillingness to do that. Now, the governor not taking steps to protect the public health, to protect us from ourselves, is a gross violation of his moral responsibility and a violation of the sanctity of human life. 

We recall the words of Jesus to be crafty as serpents and harmless as doves. To that end we would be advocating for renters caught up in the huge wave of evictions when EO2020-14 expires July 22, and again (federally subsidized tenants) when the CARES Act provisions expire in August.

We’re going to beat this virus! Stay home. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stop all in-person gatherings. Maybe we won’t need executive orders if we take care of ourselves and one another.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Contact info for Gov. Ducey (click the method of your choice):









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