40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: 40 wellness activities for Lent

One option in our Region 2 Lenten Challenge this year is to do one wellness activity every day for the 40 days of Lent. How’s it going?

Changing up your daily workout, walking an extra mile each day (walking the dog counts!), taking the stairs instead of the escalator or drinking an extra glass of water qualify as self-care. Caring for your mental and emotional wellbeing qualifies. No judgment! 

Need ideas?

Read more.

How does the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge work?

There are 4 Lenten practices to consider, and you commit to 3 of the 4.

  1. Daily Devotion ~ Subscribe to receive daily email devotions for Lent or use ELCA World Hunger pre-made devotions. Learn more.

  2. Daily Discipline ~ Do one wellness activity every day. Maybe it’s your daily workout, maybe is a 1-mile walk a day. Maybe it’s taking an extra flight of stairs or an extra glass of water. Read more.

  3. Daily Declutter ~ Once a day find a way to daily de-clutter, de-stress, and re-tune. It could be cleaning out the garage, cleaning your calendar, or finding some time to de-clutter a desk or drawer and donating gently used items. Get ideas.

  4. Daily Donation ~ Pledge to give $1 a day (or more) to ELCA World Hunger for the 40 days of Lent. Ways to give.

Learn about the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. Sign on to support your Synod.


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