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New VBS Focuses on Storytelling
At the Table, the 2025 Intergenerational VBS Study from ELCA World Hunger, focuses on the importance of storytelling, inviting your community to learn how storytelling can make a difference in your neighborhood and the world.
2025 Lent Resources from ELCA World Hunger
New for 2025! Lenten Action Guide, Calendar and Study resources for congregational use in planning educational and fundraising events at your congregation. From ELCA World Hunger.
From Local Farms to Global Advocacy: ELCA World Hunger’s 50-Year Legacy
This year the ELCA has been celebrating how ELCA World Hunger came to be and the thousands of donors who have and continue to make its work possible. Since 1974, hundreds of thousands of people from across the church have contributed more than $650 million to support ELCA World Hunger.
Northeast Valley Consortium sponsors GCS Hunger Leaders Network in 2025
The Northeast Valley Consortium – a collaboration among Ascension, Christ the Lord, Living Water, New Covenant, and New Journey Lutheran Churches, founded in 2020 – approved $2,000 to fund Grand Canyon Synod participation in the 2025 ELCA World Hunger Leaders Gathering.
Shop ELCA Good Gifts
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing, charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents.
Bishop Michael Rinehart: We live in a hungry world
Bishop Michael Rinehart, with the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, shares how we can respond to hunger both globally and in our own neighborhoods in this latest video from ELCA World Hunger.
2024 Advent Resources from ELCA World Hunger
New for 2024! Action Guide, Calendar, and Study for congregational use to plan educational and fundraising events at your congregation. From ELCA World Hunger.
World Food Day Celebration with ELCA World Hunger
Download World Food Day promotional toolkit and Register today! Join ELCA World Hunger on October 15 for a celebration of World Food Day and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger!
Hunger Advocacy Fellowship: Autumn’s Year in Review
In her own words. Autumn Byars' Hunger Advocacy Fellowship has come to an end. Read the engaging, insightful recap of her transformational year here.
Generation Zero Hunger Update
#GenZeroHunger raised $100K at the ELCA Youth Gathering! Join young people in our church in pledging to end world hunger while the dollar-for-dollar match continues.
Community Spotlight: Santa Cruz Lutheran Food Bank
Community Spotlight: Learn about the Food Bank at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Tucson! Find out more about their innovative work now!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Advocate For Robust International Food Aid in the Farm Bill
Join Lutherans from across the country in advocating on another important aspect of the Farm Bill! The bill oversees international food aid programs, which we hope to see strengthened in the bill’s draft. Send our one-click letter now!
Community Spotlight: West Valley Community Food Pantry
Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars visits the West Valley Community Food Pantry, housed at and run by St. John’s Lutheran Church in Glendale. Read about this inspiring hunger ministry in the Grand Canyon Synod.
Be A Part Of Generation Zero Hunger with ELCA World Hunger!
Will you join Generation Zero Hunger? Right now, all gifts to the youth-driven fundraising challenge will be matched!
New: ELCA World Hunger “Health And Hunger” Toolkit
Check out the newest toolkit from ELCA World Hunger, exploring the relationship between hunger and health! Engage your ministry with discussion, games, and activities!
And the winner of the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is…
Click to see who won the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. And a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network.
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: Donate to ELCA World Hunger
One option in the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is to donate to ELCA World Hunger to honor its 50 years in ministry and add to your synod’s Lenten contributions. Have you donated yet? Click here.
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: 40 wellness activities for Lent
One option in the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is to commit to doing one wellness activity every day for the 40 days of Lent. How’s it going? Need ideas? Click here.