40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: Water activity ideas

This year’s 40-40-40 Region 2 Lenten Challenge explores the theme, “A Watered Garden,” based on Isaiah 58:11.

“The LORD will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”

Isaiah 58:11 grounds this year’s Lenten journey, in which the five Region 2 synods are challenging one another to explore the intersection of hunger and water while learning of one of our Region 2 Indigenous Ministries, the 70-year-old Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) in Rock Point, AZ.

The challenge is to participate in some personal and community spiritual practices during Lent while learning about Lutheran Disaster Response’s projects, the ELCA’s work in the Truth and Healing Movement and the work and ministry of NELM.

Below are activity ideas on the Watered Garden theme for both individual and group action.

Activities for Individual Action

  1. What we take for granted at the flip of a faucet is a precious, hard-won commodity for people across the globe. Say a little prayer of gratitude each time you turn on your water.

  2. Hydration is essential for a healthy body. Our bodies are about 60% water. Keep yours hydrated by drinking all throughout your day.

  3. Splish Splash! Save water in the shower by using a low flow or pulsating shower head – they use almost 50% less water. Baths use 3-5 times more water than an average shower. (13 vs. 42 Gal.)

  4. Tap water costs 2000x less than bottled water. Save that money and donate to NELM!

  5. Pledge to use only refillable water bottles. (Single use bottles release chemicals if frozen, washed, or exposed to high temperatures). Our use of bottles water has tripled in the last 25 years! Americans drink 1500 bottles/second! If plastic bottles are your only option – recycle them. Only one-third of bottles are recycled.

  6. Watch the NELM video to learn more about the Navajo Mission.

  7. A thorny issue: Grass lawns use 50%-75% more water than a xeriscaped yard. Convert a small part of your lawn to drought-resistant plants.

  8. A prickly point: Cacti are native and thrive in most of our synods. They require light watering every 2-5 weeks vs.daily or weekly for non-native bushes and shrubs.

  9. Invest in a rain barrel for at least one downspout at your home. (Be sure it’s zoned legal first)

  10. Leave a water bowl outside for pets – also a cooler and cups for their owners walking by!

  11. Build a birdbath using vintage dishes. Delight an elderly neighbor on Mother’s Day! Birdbath tutorial.

  12. Pray for rain, and say a prayer of appreciation when it falls.

  13. Well, well, well... wells are gathering spots to socialize and create community. Create a gathering spot at your home and/or church. theturquoisetable.com

  14. Add a brick or water-filled container to your toilet tank. Save water without affecting function.

  15. Keep water bottles in the car for thirsty individuals on the streets. Thrift stores sell them cheaply.

  16. Double Dippin’! Go to a stream, lake or pond and dip your toes in water. It feels so good!

  17. Soak your feet in warm water before retiring for the night, if you have trouble sleeping.

  18. Take a kayak or boat out on a reservoir or lake. Spend the time enjoying God’s Creation.

  19. Be a Lifesaver! Teach a youngster to swim – on your own, or by gifting lessons to the local rec pool.

Activities for Group Action

  1. Sell water bottles with your church’s logo for a member fundraiser.

  2. Hand out water at a sports field or park sponsored by your church. Use a big cooler and paper cups. A cup of cool water is an excellent witness all by itself.

  3. Collect spare change in one of those empty bottles and bring to church for the NELM offering.

  4. Geography: Using a map of the USA, find the larger rivers near you and trace them from source to sea with your children, or Sunday School classes. If possible, visit them.

  5. Ride the rapids! Organize a raft trip for your Youth Group. The best floats will be coming soon!

  6. Immerse yourself, your prayer group, your family in the healing sound of water. Soak up God’s loving goodness using these relaxing forest nature sounds for focus and calm. Gentle Woodland Stream and Birdsong

  7. Check out “Wine to Water for individuals or groups, if you are a Thrivent member.


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