Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters to Congress

“Speak out for the rights of all who are destitute. Defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)

Urge Congress to Reinstate Foreign Aid and Protect and Strengthen Child Nutrition Programs

As Christians, we are called to seek justice, care for those experiencing hunger and poverty, and embrace our Creator’s vision of hope, love, and peace. We are called to embody it in public as we commit to live in solidarity with those who are made vulnerable by the inequities that drive hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.

Letters are a strong witness of community concerns and personal testimonies

Over the years, these letters and emails from congregations, campuses and community groups have helped inspire our leaders in Washington, D.C., to pass legislative victories that reduce hunger in the U.S. and around the world.

3 Reasons Your Church Should Organize an Offering of Letters

  1. We believe that advocacy is part of our Christian witness and discipleship.

  2. With your support, Bread for the World is committed to speaking truth to power. we have to be both pastoral and prophetic to end hunger.

  3. Bread for the World is practical and effective. Years of persistent advocacy and voice has helped triple poverty focused development assistance to education, training, and sustainability measures that end hunger.

A Powerful Tool to Organize Letter-writing Events to End Hunger Through Advocacy

This year’s Offering of Letters is focused on child nutrition and is as critical as ever in the current political climate. Read on to learn more about the importance of nutrition programs in helping children reach their full potential. Then email your members of Congress and ask them to support improving child nutrition.

LAMA can help, ask us how!


Arizona Food Bank Network Anti-hunger Conference March 25


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