Act Now for Equal Rights for LGBTQIA+ Individuals

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The House has passed the bipartisan Equality Act (H.R. 5), a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes alongside race, gender, religion, national origin, age, and disability. Now we need to urge the Senate to introduce and pass an amended version of this legislation too.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supports equal rights for our LGBTQIA+ siblings. The ELCA’s social statement Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust states that the “dignity of the human being reflects God’s deep love and stands against all forms of violence, discrimination, and injustice” (page 5). As a result, the ELCA “opposes all forms of verbal or physical harassment and assault based on sexual orientation. It supports legislation and policies to protect civil rights and to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public services” (page 19). The ELCA has repeatedly spoken against discrimination in law or policy related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

We now have the opportunity to urge adoption of legislation that ensures the full rights of LGBTQIA+ persons. We do so as a church that affirms the conscience-bound diversity of beliefs across the ELCA, and we do so mindful of possible impacts of this legislation on religious liberty. Concern is expressed that the current version of this legislation could open the door to future improper government interference in the ecclesiastical activities of religious organizations. Read more about these concerns in the blog Equal Rights and Religious Freedom.” Affirming our conscience-bound diversity and aware of the need of religious freedom, support for an amended version of the Equality Act is consistent with ELCA priorities.

There is interest among some senators who, like the ELCA, support the intent of the Equality Act but want to ensure protections for people of faith and have broader concerns about religious freedom. The advocacy of people of faith who can describe their values and their apprehension which surface alongside introduction of the Equality Act will be crucial in this debate. Passage of the Equality Act will depend on vigorous advocacy that includes thoughtful attention to these concerns.

Now is the time to add our clear and faithful Lutheran voices to make long overdue inclusions to federal law. You can send a customized letter to your Senators now through the ELCA Action Center.


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