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Join us for Lutheran Day at the Legislature in 2025!
REGISTER NOW! Join us for a day of advocacy at the Arizona Capitol! Lutheran Day at the Legislature is Monday, February 10, 2025 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Check our website daily for updates.
Are you interested in Lutheran advocacy?
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA) seeks enthusiastic, engaged individuals in the Grand Canyon Synod to join our LAMA Policy Committee. Learn more here.
Prayers for Unity
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are grateful to God for countless blessings. With these prayers, we prayer for unity in our nation, and among our leaders.
LAMA Policy Council Retreat and Policy Priorities
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona Policy Council met Sunday-Monday, November 17-18 to listen, learn, laugh and discern LAMA’s Policy Priorities for 2025.
Faces of Democracy: Being a Poll Worker
Guest blogger Paul Westermann of University Lutheran Church in Tempe writes about his experience as an elections clerk.
Offering of Letters at Faith/La Fe
Guest blogger Christopher Jacobson shares about the Bread for the World-sponsored Offering of Letters at Faith/La Fe Lutheran Church in Phoenix.
Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Legislature
Lutherans and friends from across the state will gather at Wesley Bolin Plaza at the Arizona Capitol for a day of advocacy on Monday, February 10, 2025 from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm. Details to follow.
ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide: Ahora disponible en español
The ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide is a resource guide to encourage, empower and equip voter education and other responsible civic participation shaped by faith values. Now available in Spanish.
Lutheran congregations step up as Arizona Voting Centers
Lutherans have a history of civic engagement during election season, including being voting centers. Holy Trinity and Mountain View were two of 37 Lutheran congregations who offered their space at voting centers in Arizona’s 15 counties this year
Bishop Eaton: Civic Engagement and Loving-Kindness
In anticipation of Election Day in the United States, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace across the globe." 3:20 mins.
Register to Vote!
Today is National Voter Registration Day. Celebrate the day by registering to vote! Already registered? Text 3 friends a reminder that registering to vote online takes just a few minutes. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
New Bonhoeffer Curriculum Available
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Pennsylvania shared this new curriculum: “Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World On Fire.” Made in partnership with the International Bonhoeffer Society, this study course explores Bonhoeffer’s legacy and teachings.
ELCA Advocacy: What Does Voting Mean To You? (Week 4)
Week 3: Hear from Will Milner (HAF in Washington, DC0 about how his faith values impact his vote in this new video from ELCA Advocacy!
Action Alert: Plan an Advocacy Activity For God’s Work Our Hands Sunday
Prepare for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday by planning an advocacy activity! Participate in the service day while staying inside and beating the heat.
Introducing the LAMA Book Club
Introducing our next opportunity for conversation and connection: Book Time with LAMA. Readers are invited to suggest titles and facilitate conversations. August selection: I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations.
Prep Now for August Advocacy Opportunities
August presents unique opportunities to bring our deep concerns as Christians about many things related to our planet and the beings that inhabit it to U.S. Congress in our own backyards. Read tips from ELCA Advocacy.
ELCA Youth & Young Adult Gathering Recap
Last week, the LAMA team joined synod staff, youth, leaders, and young adults from around Arizona for the ELCA Youth and Young Adult Gatherings in NOLA! Read our LAMA recap here.
Get Out and Vote!
Voting has begun for the Arizona Primary! Vote on or before July 30. Here are some steps to ensure your voting process goes smoothly.