Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act passage possible

A bipartisan team of senators is working to expand housing supply and low-income protections. Tell Congress to take action today.

Tell lawmakers why your congregation and community cares about expanding affordable housing and addressing the drivers of homelessness by customizing the ELCA letter (link below) with your convictions and local experiences.

This spring, a bipartisan group of Senate Finance Committee members—including Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) of and Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) —are planning to reintroduce tax legislation that would help spur community development and further incentivize builders to be inclusive of low income housing. This proposed expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), a longstanding public-private partnership program, has increasingly become an urgent bipartisan priority as housing supply reaches critical lows in every congressional district in the United states.

Last year, the proposal nearly made passage into law. Hundreds of Lutherans contacted their members to take action, but the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act narrowly avoided passage in 2022 due to “lack of legislative calendar space.” These priorities now have a practical pathway to passage in the present Congress as a broader tax package is being crafted by lawmakers. It is imperative your legislators in Congress hear why expanded housing supply is needed – especially as rates of homelessness and housing insecurity expand in many communities.

Lutheran social ministry organizations, congregations and faith-based service agencies are increasingly using the LIHTC program referenced in the bill to develop their own affordable housing, shelters and reconfiguration of their properties. Recognizing needs, many faith-based ministries already prioritize low-income housing units in their development plans as part of their social mission. Further private partner development can be expanded with these needed protections. Proposed LIHTC improvements will better serve low-income households, people experiencing homelessness, and people living in tribal and rural communities. 

Learn more about the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act and improvements to the existing LIHTC here. Particulars among the improvements are named in the letter to policy makers in our Action Center and should be customized with your experiences and priorities. Encourage your lawmakers to act now. 

Write as a Lutheran, as a person of faith, via ELCA Advocacy Action Alert!

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