April recess: Call your member of congress

From Sojourners

Advocate for bold pro-family, anti-poverty legislation that rebuilds our economy.

Why now? From April 11-22, 2022, Congress will be in recess and legislators will most likely be returning to their home states. Local offices receive fewer calls than D.C. offices. Your call has a greater chance of being effective and receiving attention. April 11-22 is the perfect time to call your Senators' and Representative's local offices!  

Now is the time to move this country towards being a more perfect union by making long overdue investments that will address problems that have plagued the U.S. for generations. Congress is currently considering legislation that could help Americans across the country, regardless of who they voted for, what they look like, or where they live. From housing to health care to child care to caring for our Earth, we believe our elected officials have the potential to bring good news to the people and communities across rural, urban, and suburban America. Congress has the chance to honor our personhood and our inherent dignity and worth as creatures made in the imago Dei—image of God—worthy of care and respect.

Suggested points for your call:

  • Invest in early childhood education and development through expanding access to Universal Pre-K for all 3- and 4-year-olds and creating more affordable child care;

  • Permanent expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), withthe included permanent refundability status for low-income families, which would serve as ahistoric middle- and lower-class tax cut that will enable people to cover basic household expensesand continue to lift millions of children out of the quicksand of poverty;

  • Ensure millions of Americans finally have access to health insurance by closing the Medicaidcoverage gap and expanded access to benefits in Medicare, including expanded post-partumcoverage for new moms;

  • Ensure that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share of taxes by including provisions that wouldmake our economy more equitable and just.

How to take action: Use Sojourners’ one pager to help you call your legislators' district office, including a call script and resources to help you make that call.

Never called your legislator before? Use Sojourners’ one-pager on how to call your member of congress.


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2022 Legislative Bill Tracker: Civic Engagement and Voting Integrity