Being a Public Church: Guidance for Churches and Clergy participating in the electoral process

Guidance for Churches and Clergy participating in the electoral process

Lutherans understand that governments are a means through which God can work to preserve creation and build a more peaceful and just society. As a public church, we have a responsibility to address issues that affect our neighbors in communities throughout the world. Through advocacy efforts, ELCA members and other Christians can work through governmental channels on behalf of biblical values. Participating in the electoral process is one way in which ELCA members live out the public witness of advocacy.

An important part of faithful civic engagement is abiding by the law: any participation by congregations in activities related to the electoral process must be strictly nonpartisan and abide by IRS guidelines. Congregations and clergy must ensure that activities related to the electoral process are transparent, nonpartisan and legal.

In addition to IRS Guidelines for Congregations with 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status, this 7-page document includes information on permissible and non-permissible activities in an election season.


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