Bishop Hutterer accepts 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge award on behalf of GCS

The 40-40-40- Lenten Challenge winner was announced at the GCS Synod Assembly. During Lent 2023, the Grand Canyon Synod and its sister synod, the Southeastern Iowa Synod, participated in a challenge to raise awareness of hunger issues and funds for ELCA World Hunger.

The trophy featuring a GOAT (the Greatest Of All Time - all in fun!) accompanied a video from Rev. Amy Curran, Bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA. To view Bishop Curran’s video, click here and advance the video to 1:33:40.


ELCA World Hunger’s latest VBS Curriculum: God’s New Creation


ELCA-LIRS World Refugee Day letter from Bishop Eaton and Krish O'Mara Vignarajah urging advocacy