CDF Releases ‘State of America's Children’ Report for 2021

The Children’s Defense Fund just released the latest version of their annual State of America’s Children report. The report compiles the latest data on a wide range of issues impacting children and highlights the ways in which COVID-19 has exacerbated these concerns, making the case that children were experiencing hardship even before the pandemic and they need not only temporary emergency responses, but also robust, long-term and permanent investments in the structures and supports that will ensure their well-being. 
This year’s report provides detailed information on 12 issues impacting children’s lives: child population, child poverty, income and wealth inequality, housing and homelessness, child hunger and nutrition, child health, early childhood, education, child welfare, juvenile justice, gun violence, and immigration. For each area, we include data tables that include state-by-state breakdowns and breakdowns by race and ethnicity. You can access state factsheets and a social media toolkit with graphics, messaging, and statistics to shine a light on the many ways in which our children—especially our children of color—are suffering and calling on us to do better.

This report is a useful resource and tool to help advance bold policy changes for our nation’s 73 million children.




Welcoming Migrants at the Border and AMMPARO