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Your comments needed: Child protection social message draft
The ELCA is developing a social message on child protection and maltreatment. The feedback period will be open until June 30, 2025. Please comment!
Hands and feet of Christ: Meal packing event in Fountain Hills
Join us February 26, 2025, at the Fountain Hills Community Center for a family-friendly food packing event hosted by New Journey Lutheran. From 5:30–7:30 PM, volunteers will pack thousands of meals for those in need locally and globally.
Lifting Voices for Justice: ELCA Advocacy on Child Hunger, DACA, and More
From combating child hunger to advocating for climate action and justice for Dreamers, the ELCA continues to live out its call to serve neighbors and proclaim God’s peace. This month’s highlights include updates from COP29, work on U.S.-Israel humanitarian aid, and support for DACA protections.
UPDATE: Child Tax Credit Stalls
Last Thursday, the Senate voted against bringing the crucial Child Tax Credit to the floor. Find out why (and why there is still hope!) here.
Urge Senators Kelly and Sinema to Vote 'Yes' on the Child Tax Credit Expansion
ACT by Thursday! The Senate is expected to vote this Thursday on the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC). The tax legislation that includes the expanded CTC has been stuck in the Senate since January, when the House passed it with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. It is critical that senators pass the expanded CTC now.
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Back to School Drive
Support Lutheran Social Service’s Back to School Drive! They are seeking supplies to support families across all of their service areas. Learn more now!
Healthy School Meals for All In Arizona Study from ASU and AZFBN
Prepare for AZ’s budget negotiations by reading this fascinating study about school meals in Arizona conducted by ASU and AZFBN. Learn about the importance of, cost of, and perspectives on school meals in our state.
Make Sure State Lawmakers Prioritize School Meal Funding!
As we move into the budget negotiation part of Arizona’s legislative session, urge our lawmakers to include funding for reduced price and free school meals! Learn more about school meals in AZ by reading now.
Action Alert: Urge Our Senators to Expand the Child Tax Credit
ELCA Action Alert: We still haven’t gotten the CTC passed! Keep pressuring congress to make it a priority.
Action Alert: Urge the AZ Legislature to Support Healthy School Meals for All
Urge the Arizona State Legislature to provide funding for free and reduced price school meals in its upcoming budget!
New Journey Lutheran Church Sponsors Fountain Hills Community Food Pack for Food For Kidz
Read all about New Journey Lutheran Church’s 11th annual mobile food packing event for Food For Kidz. NJLC partnered with other churches and the Fountain Hills community to provide thousands of meals to people in need.
LAMA Joins Local Partners in Letter Supporting the Child Tax Credit
LAMA joined 20 other local organizations in signing on to a letter urging our Senators to support the expanded Child Tax Credit. Read it now!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Take Action to Fully Fund W.I.C and S.N.A.P
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to fully fund WIC and SNAP before March 1!
2024 Bread for the World Offerings of Letters
Learn about Bread for the World’s new Offerings of Letters resources for 2024.
RTS for the Week of 2/27
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at hunger and housing, encouraging support for HB 2794 and HB2815.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge the Senate to Expand the CTC
With tax season underway, urge our Senators to pass a bipartisan tax package that expands the Child Tax Credit!
UPDATE: Child Tax Credit Passes House, Awaits Senate Approval
The CTC passed the House! Read more about how to advocate for this instrumental policy as the Senate prepares to debate it
DATE CHANGE: Bread For The World’s Campaign Launch
DATE CHANGE: Join us tonight for the launch of Bread’s newest advocacy campaign!