ELCA Action Alert: Urge Congress to Reauthorize the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

Twenty years ago, when President George W. Bush launched the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), testing positive for HIV was a death sentence for many people in low-income countries. PEPFAR is the largest U.S. global health program devoted to a single disease. Today, PEPFAR supports over 20 million people around the world by providing care and lifesaving HIV treatment. Because of PEPFAR, millions of babies born to mothers living with HIV are born HIV-free.

The current congressional authorization for PEPFAR expires this year on September 30. Congress needs to pass legislation to reauthorize continuation of the program. The U.S. governent must uphold its commitment to eradicate HIV by extending PEPFAR's mandate so that those currently receiving care will continue to receive support, and so that PEPFAR is enabled to biuld on its great success and expand access to others who still lack access to care and treatment.

Our faith teaches us to love God and love our neighbors. ELCA social teaching reminds us that caring for the health of others is everyone's responsibility. Caring for Health: Our Shared Endeavor, an ELCA social statement, says: "Responding to those who were sick was integral to the life and ministry of Jesus and has been a central aspect of the Church's mission throughout its history" (p. 1). We exemplify God's love when we serve our neighbors and advocate for the wellbeing of all, especially those on the margins of society.

Please ask your representative to support this important legislation using the ELCA Action Center.


August Recess: Your Chance to Influence Policy at Home


About 500,000 adults will soon lose SNAP due to return of work-reporting requirements; Another 750,000 older adults newly at risk