Food Day at the Capitol
Melanie Hobden (left, Desert Cross, Tempe) speaks with Gail Turner (Faith, Phoenix) at Food Bank Day at the Capitol. Pr. Sarah Stadler (Grace, Phoenix) shared remarks.
Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN) and its member food banks returned to the Capitol to host Food Bank Day on Thursday, March 10 after a short hiatus (2 years!) and the team reports that “it went great!” This year, two initiatives took center stage: HB2060, the bill AzFBN and supporters promoted to remove barriers to SNAP access for people re-entering society; and Friends of the Farm, Arizona's farm-to-food-bank program that aims to support both local growers and food insecure Arizonans alike.
The luncheon took off with an introduction by Angie Rodgers, President and CEO of AzFBN and the organization’s board chair, Kim Larkin. Each discussed the tireless work of Arizona's food banks during the pandemic; specifically the way they pivoted to find new ways to meet the needs of their communities during such a challenging time for all.
Also sharing remarks at the event were the Rev. Sarah Stadler of Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix, whose work takes her to the frontlines of homelessness. Bridget Pettis Project Roots co-founder (and former WNBA champion) spoke on the critical need for nutritious foods within communities of color and Arizonans at large. House Rep. Walter Blackman, sponsor of HB2060, spoke about the need to support food insecure Arizonans via SNAP.
HB2060 passed the Senate Health & Human Services Committee (7-1) on Wednesday, March 23. AzFBN thanks all hunger advocates for their support of HB2060.