Urge Congress to protect our climate by co-sponsoring the Fracking Ban Act

In order to avert the worst effects of climate change, it is vitally important to drastically cut greenhouse gases by stopping the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, and transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.

But fracking and fossil fuel corporations are pushing for more: more gas plants, more pipelines, more compressor stations and processing plants, more dangerous storage facilities, and more emissions. Their greed is putting the future of our planet in peril. As people of faith who care about God’s creation, we must act to preserve our planet on behalf of the generations to come.

The only way toward a clean, renewable energy future is to ban fracking and to stop all new fossil fuel development.

The Fracking Ban Act is the first-ever federal legislation to ban fracking everywhere — once and for all.

Introduced by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Darren Soto (D-FL), this act will not only ban fracking nationwide by 2025, it will also:

  • Stop federal agencies from issuing permits for new fracking infrastructure (such as pipelines), gas storage facilities or other infrastructure intended to extract, transport store or burn fracked gas or oil;

  • Revoke permits for current fracking wells within 2,500 feet of homes and schools; and

  • Establish a Just Transition Committee to help gas and oil industry workers transition to green new jobs.

Send Your Message: Ban Fracking Now

Supporters who know the dangers of fracking have banned fracking in Maryland, New York, and Washington, and in hundreds of communities across the country.

As the first national organization to call for a fracking ban everywhere, Food & Water Action is the leader in the fight to ban fracking and stop fossil fuel pipelines. You can help to protect our food, water and climate by raising your voice and sending a message to your members of Congress today: Co-sponsor the Fracking Ban Act.


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