Urge Senators to support $600/wk federal supplemental unemployment insurance

In light of the devastation wrought by Covid-19, Congress passed bipartisan legislation called the CARES Act to keep families afloat and the economy running on March 27, 2020. To date, countless families have kept bread on the table and a roof over their heads because of this unprecedented federal relief package.

Today one of the most important of these relief benefits expired: the $600 per week federal enhanced unemployment insurance. This is bringing our families and economy needlessly close to the brink of financial ruin.

A group of Valley Interfaith Project (VIP) Clergy sent a letter yesterday to Senators McSally and Sinema, outlining the measures required to protect families and small businesses, shore up state and local budgets and restore trust in "normal life".

Join the statewide Arizona Interfaith Network (AIN) clergy and leaders and sign on to the letter calling on the Senators to act immediately and boldly to keep Arizona families safe and preserve our economy.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Sign the AIN petition to Senators McSally and Sinema by clicking here.

  • Forward this post to others, urging their support. 

  • Share the petition on Facebook or Twitter.

  • Contact the Senators directly to make sure our voices are heard:

Sen. Martha McSally  

Washington, DC : (202) 224-2235; Local : (602) 952-2410


Sen. Kyrsten Sinema   

Washington, DC : (202) 224-4521; Local : (602) 598-7327



August congressional recess opportunity


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