Grand Canyon Synod Global Engagement Initiative Launches Hunger Table

The Grand Canyon Synod is launching a Hunger Table!

As part of the Synod’s Global Engagement initiatives, this new ministry “table” will bring together lay people across the synod who are interested in hunger issues within their communities.

Pr. Karn Carroll, Pr. Jan Flaaten, and Pr. Jacqui Pagel and lay leaders across the synod are building tables for each global engagement opportunity. Also part of the Hunger Leaders Network will be Melanie Hobden of Desert Cross Tempe, a passionate hunger advocate and member of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona (LAMA) policy council. LAMA will engage with this ministry to learn and connect, and discuss how the Synod can walk alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ who hunger, and who have walls that separate us.

In addition to the Hunger Table, other Global Engagement table will include Senegal, ILM and Peace Not Walls. There are art, Bible study, and cultural exchanges planned to encourage relationship building in these ministry tables.

If you are interested in shaping this new ministry, please join the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network for its first meeting (via Zoom).


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