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From Local Farms to Global Advocacy: ELCA World Hunger’s 50-Year Legacy
This year the ELCA has been celebrating how ELCA World Hunger came to be and the thousands of donors who have and continue to make its work possible. Since 1974, hundreds of thousands of people from across the church have contributed more than $650 million to support ELCA World Hunger.
Shop ELCA Good Gifts
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing, charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents.
Advocacy In Action: News From the ELCA Conference of Bishops
The ELCA Conference of Bishops met last week and wrote two letters, advocating for neighbors in need. Our leaders address lawmakers, urging them to support Annunciation House in Texas, and a Ceasefire in Gaza, calling us to join them in defending our neighbors.
WATCH: ELCA Advocacy Interview With COP28 Delegates
WATCH: Interview With ELCA Delegate to COP28. Learn more about how they are representing a faith-based perspective on climate care.
ELCA Presence in Far-Reaching Efforts of COP28
Read about the ELCA presence at the UN climate forum, COP28 on the ELCA Advocacy Blog.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Efforts Combating HIV/AIDS
In honor of World AIDS Day this month, use your voice to support the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Congressional authorization for PEPFAR expired this year on September 30. Congress needs to pass legislation to reauthorize continuation of the program.
Advent and Christmas in the Midst of the War
Updates on Advent preparations in the Holy Land amidst the current conflict. Read about how you can support our fellow Christians, as well as all suffering the effects of war.
Lutheran Responses to the Humanitarian Crisis in the Holy Land
Hear from ELCA World Hunger, Bishop Dr Azar, and more on the crisis in Gaza, and find out ways YOU can help those in need.
Lutheran Disaster Response Situation Report: Gaza Humanitarian Crisis
Read about Lutheran Disaster Response’s support of the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem amid the escalating violence in Israel and Gaza.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Peace Not Walls October 2023
ACTION ALTER: Violence continues in the Holy Land. Urge your reps to call for a ceasefire.
ELCA presiding bishop issues statement on Israel-Hamas war
“It is difficult to find words that suffice in the complexity of this moment, and in the web of relationships that bind us together, as church, with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and our interreligious partners. Yet God has called us to be a people who stand with others amid suffering.”
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: Why support ELCA World Hunger?
The 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge ~ Grand Canyon vs. Southeastern Iowa Synods ~ supports ELCA World Hunger. Why? See what ELCA World Hunger is up to and get inspired register for the Lenten Challenge!
Shop ELCA Good Gifts
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing, charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents.
Watch World Food Day with Rick Steves
Missed the live feed on Sunday? Now you can watch what you missed. The 2022 World Food Day celebration was hosted by Rick Steves and featured special guest Mark Jansen, CEO of Blue Diamond Almonds. From ELCA World Hunger.
ELCA World Hunger update from churchwide assembly
An update from ELCA World Hunger to the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Columbus, OH last week.
Support the Global Fight Against Malnutrition
Urge U.S. Reps Tom O’Halleran (LD 1), Paul Gosar (LD 4), Andy Biggs (LD 5), David Schweikert (LD 6) and Debbie Lesko (LD 8) to cosponsor H.R.4693. Reps Kirkpatrick (LD 2), Grijalva (LD 3), Gallego (LD 7) and Stanton (LD 9) have already signed on. Urge Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema to cosponsor S.2956.
Grand Canyon Synod Global Engagement Initiative Launches Hunger Table
As one of the Grand Canyon Synod’s Global Engagement initiatives, this new ministry “table” brings together lay people across the synod who are interested in hunger issues within their communities.