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ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Efforts Combating HIV/AIDS

In honor of World AIDS Day this month, use your voice to support the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Congressional authorization for PEPFAR expired this year on September 30. Congress needs to pass legislation to reauthorize continuation of the program.

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ELCA presiding bishop issues statement on Israel-Hamas war

“It is difficult to find words that suffice in the complexity of this moment, and in the web of relationships that bind us together, as church, with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and our interreligious partners. Yet God has called us to be a people who stand with others amid suffering.”

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Support the Global Fight Against Malnutrition

Urge U.S. Reps Tom O’Halleran (LD 1), Paul Gosar (LD 4), Andy Biggs (LD 5), David Schweikert (LD 6) and Debbie Lesko (LD 8) to cosponsor H.R.4693. Reps Kirkpatrick (LD 2), Grijalva (LD 3), Gallego (LD 7) and Stanton (LD 9) have already signed on. Urge Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema to cosponsor S.2956.

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Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus Immigration and Asylum Solveig Muus

World Refugee Day is June 20, 2021

In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will hold a Virtual Advocacy Day on Tuesday, June 22. Join LIRS to tell your legislators that you want to see meaningful legislation passed that strengthens our country’s commitment to welcome and protection for those fleeing violence and persecution.

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