HAF New Year’s Devotional: Envisioning Leader Resonance With Young Generation

ELCA World Hunger’s Hunger Advocacy Fellows have teamed up to write a series of weekly devotionals for the ELCA Advocacy Blog. The series reflects on one of the year’s early lectionary texts, Ephesians 3:10. Follow along as each Fellow discusses what they wish to see from our candidates for office during this election year.

Week 4: Envisioning Leader Resonance With Young Generation

The fourth weekly devotion was written by William Milner, Hunger Advocacy Fellow at the ELCA Witness in Society advocacy office in Washington, D.C. In his devotional, Will reflects on the importance of leaders taking on issues that young voters care about. Without candidates willing to make meaningful, impactful change, it will be impossible to engage voters under 35. Will discusses some of these issues that he and his peers prioritize. Will asks us discussion questions to consider, including “Think of a central value taught to you as a Christian disciple. How does that intersect with an issue you follow?”

Read William’s devotional, Envisioning Leader Resonance With Young Generation, here. Follow along for more installments in this series!


Action Alert: Register for Anti-Hunger Advocacy Day Now!


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