Introducing: The LAMA Liaison Roundtable

Introducing the LAMA Liaison Roundtable — An exciting opportunity to discuss advocacy engagement on the congregational level.

These one-hour discussions offer an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics about congregational engagement in advocacy, and ask all the questions you can think of pertaining to Lutheran advocacy. Participants will be actively involved in planning and topics for these monthly meetings. Early suggested topics include:

  • Civic Engagement and Voting

  • Addressing congregational reticence about term "advocacy" (as well as acting to advocate)

  • How to introduce the congregation to advocacy in a non-threatening way and educate them to the importance of advocacy as part of our Lutheran heritage

The LAMA Liaison Roundtable meets the Third Monday of the month at 6:30p via Zoom..

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 9811 3829
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