It’s ‘Show Your Love for SNAP’ week; act today to protect it

This action alert comes from FRAC: Food Research and Action Center.

This week, House Republicans will move forward with their budget plan for reconciliation as the Senate pursues a competing proposal. Senate Budget Committee is scheduled to mark up its budget resolution Wednesday and Thursday while House Budget Committee is scheduled for Thursday.

This week – FRAC is leading a week of action to advocate for the protection of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  SNAP is a vital resource for millions of Americans, and we need your help to ensure it remains intact, free from harmful cuts.

Three Key Actions to Take:

  1. Sign-on Letter  Sign your national, state, or community-based organization (authorized signers only) on to this letter pushing back against proposals to cut, gut, and/or weaken SNAP and child nutrition programs in budget reconciliation or in the Farm Bill. Be sure to distribute the letter widely to your networks, listservs, and agencies and encourage them to sign and share.

  2. Spread the Word – “Show Your Love for SNAP” Week of Action: Show your love for SNAP by urging your Members of Congress to keep their #HandsOffSNAP. Use and share the FRAC Action Network to send an email to your Members. Flood social media and the Capitol switchboard to highlight the many strengths of SNAP and why it must be protected. See FRAC’s Week of Action Toolkit."

  3. Take the Challenge – FRAC SNAP Challenge: Try to get the nutrition you need on the average SNAP benefit of about $6 per person per day. Share your experience with Members of Congress and the media to show why SNAP must be strengthened, not weakened. 


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