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Update on Arizona Hunger Bills
There haven’t been many bills we are able to champion this session; it’s mostly about protecting SNAP. Read where we’re at on the 8 hunger bills that are moving through the legislature.
Take the SNAP Challenge: Raise Awareness of Hunger in Your Community
Take the SNAP Challenge! Post includes toolkit. The upcoming congressional recess (March 15–23) is the perfect time to involve Members of Congress in the SNAP Challenge. Read on to learn which AZ district has the most SNAP households.
Urgent: Advocacy needed TODAY to protect our neighbors!
Action Alert from LSS-SW: This week, Congress may vote on the Federal budget, which at this time includes drastic cuts to Medicaid in the amount of $880 billion over 10 years and $230 billion in cuts to SNAP benefits. We know that existing challenges already leave many people vulnerable—from affordable housing shortages, job losses, to the high cost of everyday necessities—will only be exacerbated if Medicaid is cut.
It’s ‘Show Your Love for SNAP’ week; act today to protect it
3 key actions to take this week to protect SNAP. Wednesday and Thursday this week, U.S. House Republicans move forward with their budget plan for reconciliation as the U.S. Senate pursues a competing proposal. Now is the time!
RTS Alerts Week of 02/10: Free School Lunches
HB2213 is on the Appropriations Committee agenda Wednesday (2/12) at 2pm. Now is the time to push for funding! Sign in to the Request to Speak (RTS) system and support this bill.
RTS Alerts Week of 01/27: Hunger
Read our first RTS alert for the 2025 Legislative Session, the early bills on Hunger that are moving through the legislature.
The Story of HB 2502 & 2503: From Testifying in Congress to Governor’s Veto
Gov. Hobb’s vetoed two bills we have long been opposing! Read on for a look back at all of our hard work on this bill, from Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars.
Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Interviewed by Telemundo Arizona about harmful SNAP Bills
See Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars advocating on Telemundo Arizona view clips of the full interview, follow links to the AZ Mirror story, and pics of Autumn’s big day.
Update: HB2502 & HB2503 Pass the Senate
UPDATE: Hb 2502 & 2503, two restrictive SNAP bills that we have worked hard to oppose passed the Senate and now await the governon’s signature.
Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Testifies Against HB2502
Read about Autumn’s trip to the Capitol! She testified in a Senate committee hearing for the first time, speaking against HB 2502 and HB 2503.
RTS For The Week of 3/12
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at a water bill and two SNAP bills. We encourge support for HB2024 and opposition to HB2502 and HB2503.
Arizona Action Alert: Urge Your State Senator to Oppose Harmful SNAP Bills HB2502 & HB2503
Contact your state Senator and urge them to oppose these concerning SNAP bills in upcoming committee and floor meetings.
Request To Speak for the Week of 2/13
Read our second RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. We are encouraging support for HB 2510 and opposition to HB 2502 and 2503.