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Community Spotlight: Feed My Starving Children event at Lord of Life
Guest blogger Jan Fosen writes about her day packing meals for Feed My Starving Children at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Sun City West, Arizona. Nearly 179,000 meals were packed over the weekend by 850 volunteers.
September is Hunger Action Month!
Hunger Action Month is a 30-day event each year, where people just like you, join together in the mission to end hunger. It’s typically held in September and is fast growing as a national event.
ELCA Advocacy: Farm Bill Update
ELCA Advocacy Update: The federal advocacy team has released an update on the Farm Bill’s status. Learn about where the Bill currently stands in the House and Senate, and where our advocacy is needed!
New Farm Bill Draft
Last month, Congress finally released proposed drafts of the Farm Bill! This policy is crucial to hunger relief in our country; take some time to read about the good and the bad provisions in this new proposal.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Expand Senior & Disability Benefits
ELCA Advocacy is calling on us to support a bipartisan effort to expand senior and disability benefits! Take action now and join ecumenical faith partners to advocate for our vulnerable neighbors.
Farm Bill Update!
The House and Senate have both announced movement on the Farm Bill after months of silence! Read about this important package of policy now!
LAMA Signs Letter to Support the EAT Local Foods Act
Join LAMA in signing a letter supporting the EAT Local Foods Act! Read on to learn more about the Act and how your ministry can join!
New Journey Lutheran Church Sponsors Fountain Hills Community Food Pack for Food For Kidz
Read all about New Journey Lutheran Church’s 11th annual mobile food packing event for Food For Kidz. NJLC partnered with other churches and the Fountain Hills community to provide thousands of meals to people in need.
2024 Bread for the World Offerings of Letters
Learn about Bread for the World’s new Offerings of Letters resources for 2024.
Join Us For Hunger Advocacy Day at the Capitol
Find out about AzAHA’s 2024 Hunger Advocacy Day, and how you can get involved!
SAVE THE DATE: Anti-Hunger Advocacy Day
Save the date for AzAHA’s annual Anti-Hunger Advocacy day!
Indigenous Food Sovereignty
Read stories from AzFBN about fighting food insecurity within Arizona’s Indigenous communities.
RFSI Grants Now Open
Learn about the Resilient Food System Infrastructure grants now available through the AZDA.
2023 Farm Bill: Bills To Watch
2023 Farm Bill Primer: Information on bills we are watching and hoping to see in the upcoming Farm Bill! Read on to find out about proposed legislation and how you can advocate for those struggling with hunger.
Hunger Action Day in the Grand Canyon Synod
All about Hunger Action Day around the Grand Canyon Synod! See how the LAMA team, the Arizona Food Bank Network, and community members commemorated the day, and what you can do to get involved!
2023 Arizona Farm to School Gathering
Details on the fourth annual Arizona Farm to School Gathering, hosted by the Farm to School Network. This hybrid event (Oct 19 & 20) seeks to educate participants about local food systems and their relationship to schools.
Community Spotlight: Pitchfork Pantry at ASU
LAMA Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars writes about her visit to ASU’s student run food bank, Pitchfork Pantry and University Lutheran Church’s history with the organization.
September is Hunger Action Month!
Hunger Action Month is a 30-day event each year, where people just like you, join together in the mission to end hunger. It’s typically held in September and is fast growing as a national event.